Wow. A lot of life has happened in the past month and a half... DISCLAIMER For This Post : This is the first time I've had to myself in a while (Big thanks to a friend and her mom for hanging with Ashley and watching the girls for the day). My thoughts are going 90 to nothing with this freedom. As a result, you are probably going to struggle with how much I'm jumping around. I just want to get something written down; to unload the past few weeks from my head and to have record of what's going on. I'm also not proofing this article much before I post it so there will likely be poorly worded sentences and definitely some misspellings. Time is a valuable commodity today... With all of that said... Here's a quick run down of the major events that have occurred: February 9 : Lab Work / Doctor Appointments February 14 - February 18 : 1st Maintenance Chemo Treatment March 2 : Honey Went Back to Texas March 14 - March 18 : 2nd Maintenance Chemo T...
"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you." -Psalm 5:11