A Tree. A Hike. A Perspective. Publishing Edit: This post was previously unpublished. I wrote it back in early September 2023. As I’ve had time over the Christmas break to catch up on some things, I decided to go back and grab some older, unpublished posts and get them on the blog. This is the first of a few that are coming. Life looks a little different now even though it was only a few months ago, but by and large the underlying message/theme of this post still hold true. God is gracious toward me. I don’t deserve it and I certainly have room to grow as I continue to understand all of the ways He provides for me and my family, but I’m grateful for these moments of reflection. —— On a recent trip to Maine, I went to Acadia National Park. I had an opportunity to hike ‘Bee Hive’. It was one of the more strenuous hikes in the park and it involved climbing nearly 600’ in elevation while traversing the side of a mountain. I’m making it...
"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you." -Psalm 5:11