Tomorrow holds another set of scans and appointments. I'm in a weird mix of being terrified and expectant. How these two emotions can be intertwined, I have no idea. In every attempt to be truthful, I don't feel good. I feel weak . In every area and aspect of life right now, I feel weak . A few of months ago, we had settled into a pretty good rhythm. I was getting to get out with friends, take my girls to school, go out on Target runs and just generally operate within my new normal; but then the seizures returned and since that point I've gradually gotten weaker and more run down. This month has been really challenging physically. We've added another seizure medication, not so much to eliminate the seizures (which is looking more likely that they will be here for the long haul) but more so to give us opportunity to grow in dosage compared to my old regimen. This new medicine though, it's hit my body pretty hard. My balance is ...
"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you." -Psalm 5:11