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Showing posts from July, 2021

Unto The Hills

So, this will be the second blog post I've written in less than 14 days.  I haven't done that in a while.  I wish I didn't have to do it now.  It usually means there is a lot happening or significant changes in Ash's health that need to be shared; unfortunately, this time is no different.  I'll pre-apologize for poor grammar and/or misspellings... I am likely not going to proof this before I post it since it's late and I want to push an update since it's been a few days.. Ashley had an MRI and a NeuroOnc appointment this past Friday.  It was such a long day for her.  We had an early morning start and wound up getting back home mid-afternoon.  For her, that's SUCH a long day; draining to the point where it took her well into Saturday to somewhat recover.  If you'll remember back to April, Ash had an MRI and there was a notable area of concern on her scan.  It wasn't quite pronounced enough for the radiologist to move off of calling her tumor s...