Much the same as me posting the obituary in the previous post. I'm posting a draft of the eulogy here. Though I made some last minute changes on the stage and rearranged how I presented some of the address, this is the shell of what I said about my bride. And yes... I wrote out the thank you comments and the hello/goodbye statements. I relegated myself to reading this as much as possible and not trying to orate from memory. Kept the emotions somewhat in check and provided an opportunity to say what I wanted to say and not leave something out. I wanted to post it for record keeping purposes more than anything. Should the day come where my girls come back and read this, I want them to see it without having to search too hard. ========= Good Morning. Thank you for being here. Today is certainly one I’ll remember. If for nothing else then to see a room of people for which Ashley made an impression. There’s certainly...
"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you." -Psalm 5:11